

11 Fun things for Couples to do when you are bored at Home

Looking for things to do as couple, when you are bored at home? Stay right here, as we share with you fun things that you can do with your partner.

If you are in a relationship, you will know that after a while things can get a little boring. Things can get familiar, and great relationships don’t just happen. Great relationships are work, both parties have to want to work at it and they both have to put in the work and continue choosing each other daily.

So, here are some fun things that you can do as a couple, at home, when you are bored.

11 Fun things to do as a Couple at Home, When Bored


#1. Take a Course Online

My partner and I decided to learn German, when we confirmed our trip to Germany last year. We used Dualingo for this, and it was quite fun when we got there and we could hear the language.

This is not exactly a course, but you get the idea. Is there something that you guys have been wanting to explore as a couple? Then, an online course is perfect for this. You get to learn together which can be a ton of fun.

#2. Shoot some videos together, or make a mini film 

What could be more fun than a film that you create together, of the two of you?

If a film sounds too ambitious, why don’t you make a video together . . . you could make a few reels or Tiktok videos while you are at it, or even a Youtube video.

The whole point here, is to get creative and let your personalities shine through. Use props, whatever you have in the house to make this fun for the both of you.


#3. Cook together 

Cooking is beautiful, especially when you are doing it with your partner.

Decide on what you want to eat, or what you are craving for, and get to it. Get creative . . . and try a different recipe for a dish than the one you normally do.

Make it exciting, make cocktails to enjoy while doing it, or have a glass of wine. Include some music into the mix, and this might end up being an amazing home date.

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#4. Dance the day away

Yes, have a dance off right there on your living room, or wherever you choose to do it.

Whatever kind of dance you can do, is fair game. Even if you can’t dance, you can just go along with the dance off. Watch each other twerk, do the latest challenges on Tiktok, or whatever tickles your fancy.

If you want for things to get a little steamy, you and your partner should try to do Kizomba, which is super sexy and a great way to touch your partner sensually.

#5. Have a picnic

picnic is a great way for a couple to connect, spend some quality time together and just relax over some great nibbles.

Yes, it’s amazing outdoors surrounded by nature, but you can set one up at home. If you have a beautiful yard, you can set one outdoors, but if you don’t worry not. Set one up right there in your living room or in your bedroom.

Make a nice platter for it, with some wine or champagne. Add some music and candles, and you have a full-on picnic right there by your crib.

#6. Give your partner some loving

Make some time to give your partner, without distractions, where you are fully there, being with them and connecting with them.

Life can get busy, but never make your partner feel like they aren’t important or that they have to compete with other aspects of your life.

So, create a pamper session for them – essential oils, candles, music and give them a massage. The point is to spend time with them without any distractions, get them relaxed and use touch to reconnect with them.

Focus on them, and make them feel special and loved, thank me later.

#7. Recreate your favourite date

Is there a date that stands out for you guys, that you just can’t stop talking about, that made a huge impression on you or your partner?

Well, you can recreate that date right in your own space.

Yes, it won’t be the same, but you literally can go back in time, wear the same outfits that you were wearing, have almost the same setup that you had and talk about what made it so special to you.

#8. Plan your next holiday

Love travelling or taking a shotleft together, then you should plan your next couple getaway together.

Where are you planning to go next? Is it a city getaway or a trip outside the city? Is it a modern setup or something like glamping or a cabin?

Whatever it is, this could be a great time to talk about it and decide on what you want, where you want to go , for how long and all those other juicy details.

Travelling with a partner is great, it’s a great bonding experience and one which makes you learn more about the person that you are with.

#9. Talk About Your Love languages

We all have a love language that makes us feel super loved,, and there’s nothing better than being loved in your love language. Your lover needs to know what makes you feel loved and being home is the best time to understand better what makes your partner feel loved by you.

Is it when they physically touch you, is it when they get you gifts, is it spending time with them? Whatever it is, you need to communicate this to your partner, and let them communicate this to you. This will help you connect better as a couple and strengthen the bond that is already there.

#10. Have a candle lit dinner

Go all out for this date, make it as formal as you can.

Dress up to the nines, get the candles out, take out your tux and stilettos’, some romantic music, the best dishes that you have, napkins . . . the whole nine yards.

You can order in food, so you don’t have to cook it yourselves, the focus for this is each other, spending time together with zero distractions.

And make sure you take a picture or two so you can remember this very special date.

#11. Make a relationship board

We all have an idea about the kind of relationship we want to have, and the goals we have for it.

Put together a board of what you want together from this relationship, what you want it to look like, what’s needed to make you happy, things that you want, where you would like to live and so forth.

Have it all in writing, this will also help you to determine if you are on the same page.



Being in a relationship with someone you love, someone who loves you back is utterly beautiful, so make sure you nurture that love and the relationship.

And with these suggestions, being home doesn’t have to be boring. Use these ideas to do fun stuff at home with your boo.

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